
Irreplaceable Loss๐Ÿ’Ž

IN A TOWN LIKE OURS, hospitals don't attend to you unless you're filthy rich. They have few rooms and staff to accommodate everyone. Mama was sent away and given a few drugs because we didn't have enough money to pay for private treatment. She retired to the house, then Ike and I started taking care of her, Papa was trying to get more money by selling his palm wine. He moved to the market for more visibility, this made us see him less often. We all thought papa would get enough money before the sickness worsened. It was the third week, mama laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling, it was hard to know what she was thinking, and how she was feeling. Her eyes squeezed at every breath she took, her neck had grown longer. It was a miserable sight to behold, and there was nothing we could do. We called papa to leave his stall and come home quickly, we knew why he had to come, but we were not bold enough to accept that truth. Papa entered the room, and mama wasn't moved by h

He led me on๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’” (Part 2)

EVERY OTHER DAY THAT FOLLOWED, I couldn't wait for the next conversation Denrele and I would have, he was a breath of fresh air. He was fun to talk with and kind, his voice had a way of making me feel comfortable. I always thought I was radical about my Christian faith until I found a match. He told me about how he found God and has been committed to his local church for the past 5 years. His pastor could call on him anytime. I was astonished that I could find such a strong believer in a random business conference. I'm glad I did. We would talk at length about our plans for the future, just as friends. There were days we would share what we learned at church or in Bible study. He always gisted me about the arguments in his church unit. There was a day they argued about being saved by works and grace or just grace through faith alone. He asked me about my view on it. I also wanted to impress, so we went at length. I quoted Ephesians 2:8 as the icing on the cake, we couldn't

He led me on (part 1)

IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME, I would have done it without thinking, so I wouldn't have met someone like Denrele. The hurt he made me feel was one I never imagined. Denrele and I met at a business conference a year ago. We sat across each other, and I caught his gaze a couple of times, I didn't put him to mind until he stood up to ask questions. He was a tall good looking man, I noticed his demeanor was cool and his voice was deep. I didn't seem to fancy him, well, I thought so. He asked notable questions about the business world and made contributions concerning the stock exchange rate, he was smart. I took interest in his contributions. The part where I knew he was really something was when he gave a Biblical example and wasn't shy to talk about his relationship with God. In a generation where we are forced to be timid about our devotion to God, he proved those voices useless. Our love for God isn't something to be ashamed of anywhere we find ourselves. He finished a

Love bled for me (3)

It was the third day, the stones had rolled away She had gone to look for her Saviour at the tomb, he wasn't there Haven't they suffered him enough, did they steal his body too? Lo and behold, he was there. Not as a dead man.  She recognized her Saviour when he called her by name She went with gladness and told the others  They saw and they believed it too The most powerful had glorified The Son Death didn't hold him, it could never. Then he was in their midst, proclaiming peace to them The same way he has given us who believe  Christ is risen, death is dead To all who believe in him, a new life is here.

Love bled for me(2)

Earth was silent, the world knew what they had done It became clear who the saviour of the world was They thought they did well but rather they had crucified the Lord of Glory. An ignorant generation If only they could turn back time The betrayer knew what he had done, he sought solace but found none He hung himself in his own space, that was the end. Greed gives nothing than regret in the long run. They meant it for evil but it turned out for good. Prophecies of the old were being fulfilled. Our liberator descended into the lower parts of the earth(hell) to gain victory for the souls. The plan all along was coming to fulfillment Just a little while more To be continued...

Love bled for me (1)

It was time, he knew. What could stop the inevitable?  Just a desire but that wasn't strong enough. The faces who loved him grew cold, it wasn't intentional, but for a purpose. The ones who hated him rejoiced for what they were about to do The first hit laid the first stone of many that were still to come, could there be a plot twist? Well, there was none. The charges were brought, he was pronounced guilty I could never bear someone lying against me, but he did, and he deserved none of it They started to strike him before the journey, what a strength. He took up the cross and walked, walked and walked, my Saviour was tired to the extent that he allowed Simon to lend a hand He felt what any human would feel He was pierced and nailed to a cross. What an excruciating pain Nonetheless, he told God to forgive me and that was because he thought of me throughout that day He knew it was for me, he had nothing to gain but eternal life for me He gave up the ghost and the world went dark.

I heard a story...

Let me tell you about Bode. Bode was a cool and interesting guy I knew from high school, we were in the same class but didn't talk much. A lot of people loved to hear him speak then, of course, he had charisma too. Every Friday afternoon, he had a spot where he would share stories of his experiences in the United States, people would surround him to hear and gasp in admiration. I never understood why they loved listening to the similar stories he told all the time, especially during lunch break when hunger has taken over most of us.  The last time I stuck around to hear his stories, I realized that it wasn't just the story that made people love listening to him. Anyone could make up the stories, even I could, but nobody seemed to care if I had stories and that's because I didn't "put myself out there." There was a way Bode told those stories, he knew his stories were awesome and he was confident enough to tell everyone anytime he wanted to share them.  Many pe

Make memories

Story time๐Ÿ˜… I was not a fan of pictures in secondary school, not to seem cool but because I was shy, so I didn't fancy it. After I graduated, some of my classmates sent a lot of pictures to our group chat, and I didn't even get a glimpse of myself in one. Then I stumbled on a particular picture, I was in it, but guess what? I had covered my face so it's not even obvious that I was in the picture. It pained me because my orientation about photos had changed. Since then I made sure I rarely miss taking pictures with my friends or even acquaintances (if need be) because I learned that pictures are to help build up memories to look back at and smile. A single picture or video can make you remember a million things and that's beautiful. Now I try not to miss opportunities to snap with people especially my loved ones because it's never a waste of time. So even if you're shy or you feel it's unnecessary, still try it once in a while, you'll be happy you did, l