I heard a story...

Let me tell you about Bode. Bode was a cool and interesting guy I knew from high school, we were in the same class but didn't talk much. A lot of people loved to hear him speak then, of course, he had charisma too. Every Friday afternoon, he had a spot where he would share stories of his experiences in the United States, people would surround him to hear and gasp in admiration. I never understood why they loved listening to the similar stories he told all the time, especially during lunch break when hunger has taken over most of us. 

The last time I stuck around to hear his stories, I realized that it wasn't just the story that made people love listening to him. Anyone could make up the stories, even I could, but nobody seemed to care if I had stories and that's because I didn't "put myself out there."

There was a way Bode told those stories, he knew his stories were awesome and he was confident enough to tell everyone anytime he wanted to share them. 

Many people in school also had amazing stories but It's possible they already thought "who will want to hear it?" They already doubt, so they wouldn't have the confidence to tell it.

Through Bode I learned that "boldness is attractive" people got attracted to Bode because he was always confident about his stories, he would always call people to come and hear them, so why would anyone think he would be lying, even if he was.

Dear believer, you have a message, you have the most awesome story ever! The one that can literally turn a person's life from 0%-100% and yet you think you can't command the attention of people and share it?

Talk about it, sing about it, post about it. People would want to know why you have so much confidence in the message. Create awareness of what you stand for. 

Be confident, what's the worse that will happen? You're saying the best news ever and you should act like it. You can't be intimidated.

The gospel is something to shout about!

That Christ became man and died in your place for your sins and then gave you a clean slate, a new life! His Holy Spirit, so you can live for him just by believing in him. So simple yet so awesome

Like I said earlier "boldness is attractive" 

Attract people to the gospel by being bold about it.


  1. This gospel is something to shout about
    Be bold about it πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘Œ
    Thank you for this πŸ‘

  2. Whoooshhhhh πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
    The Gospel is something to shout about indeed!
    Thank you for charging me up with this today
    Your writings are Soo blessed!

  3. Thanks for sharingπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. Your boldness about the gospel will attract people to it
    Amazing writeup πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯


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