Love bled for me (3)

It was the third day, the stones had rolled away

She had gone to look for her Saviour at the tomb, he wasn't there

Haven't they suffered him enough, did they steal his body too?

Lo and behold, he was there. Not as a dead man. 

She recognized her Saviour when he called her by name

She went with gladness and told the others 

They saw and they believed it too

The most powerful had glorified The Son

Death didn't hold him, it could never.

Then he was in their midst, proclaiming peace to them

The same way he has given us who believe 

Christ is risen, death is dead

To all who believe in him, a new life is here.


  1. Glorrrraaaaaayyyyyyy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💃💃💃💃💃


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