A familiar feeling (2)

... After 6 months I almost got caught again, I knew I couldn't escape what was coming at me next, I barely escaped from the police officers, I was running out of luck, what if my life had ended with a gunshot on the streets, would that be all? I cried so much that night in my room, I had moved out from my friend's place and rented a room, I had stolen enough to cater for the rent. I cried so much with no one to disturb me, I came to a harsh realization that I couldn't live like this any longer.

A crazy idea found its way to my mind, your parents will take you back if you try

I didn't know where that came from but I started to think it through. How would they take me back without any hesitation or disappointment?

I thought about it for two days before I made up my mind to give it a try "It won't kill me to try" I said to myself. The next day, I boarded a motorcycle to Agege, where our house was situated, I wore a black gown, I tried to look as miserable as ever, I was a lot slimmer so I thought it would easily convince them to forgive me. So many thoughts crossed my mind if I'll ever be the same with my family again or become a bad example reference at every opportunity to my little brother, who was the golden boy of the house then.

As I got to the front gate, I started to recite the lines I had prepared to say to them, I knocked once then waited to adjust my clothes well before I knocked again, before I could give a second knock, someone had opened it already, I saw my brother with cardboard which had the inscription "Jessica, welcome home!!" written on it. He shouted the same.

I was startled, then the words hit me, I didn't know what home the banner spoke of because I had thought this place would be torture for me, I started to hear footsteps, I knew whose footsteps they were. 

"omó mí, ha!" my mum exclaimed as she stretched out her arms to hug me. My dad did the same. I couldn't bring myself to speak, I wasn't embarrassed, just confused.

They told me not to worry about what I did, they didn't care anymore, all they wanted was their daughter back and they would do their best to give me all I needed so I won't ever go back to my old lifestyle of stealing.

I was amazed."You guys would do that for me?"

"We love you so much, we can't withhold our forgiveness from you" my mum replied.

"Funke told me you were furious when she came to see you."

"She came a day after you ran away, your father and I were furious at the time so we refused to speak to her, but as days passed we couldn't deal with it anymore, we couldn't bear leaving you carelessly out there in the world alone. We kept on asking your friends if they had been in touch with you but none gave us solid answers"

This melted my heart. I told some of my friends not to worry about me and told some others where I was but not to tell my parents.

I knew my parents loved me but to receive me after what I did was a part I never knew their love extended to, I felt like they would rather have me stay somewhere else than their home.

I began going up the stairs with my luggage.

Then I heard "Because they took you back, doesn't mean they won't see you as a thief anymore" 

I turned to see who that was...

(To be continued)


  1. See me looking for the like button upandan here cos this deserves to be liked and liked again.Such an amazing piece! I totally like your style of writing💯❤️

    1. Thank you! This means a lot🤗... Your display name is "unknown" tho


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