Count on Him

In the parable of the lost sheep, asides from seeing someone who cared about just one sheep and left the 99 others to find it, It depicts a very intentional man, who is even able to know when 1 out of 100 sheep went missing, it's very much possible that the sheep are identical, this means he must have counted them frequently to know if there was one missing, it's not an easy task to count a 100 sheep but he valued each of his sheep and made sure he would know if any one of them went astray. (Matt 18:12-14)

The lost sheep parable was to represent how God cares about a lost soul and will rejoice when that soul is found. Because he is a very intentional God.

You might think God isn't trying to find you but he is, it's probably you who thinks you're not a big deal to God, He has done the best thing he could to draw you back to him, by sending his Son to die for your sins which separated you from Him in the first place, so that you can be found, no sin can make you wander off anymore; feeling condemned, because once you believe in Jesus' death and resurrection, you receive the Holy Spirit and become a part of Him. 

God wants every man saved(1tim 2:4), He can only find you when you're receptive to his love.

God isn't waiting to scold you but he keeps on looking out for you, he sends his words to you through people to show you where you're missing it and how he wants you back, he keeps on running after you because once you're His, that's final. He loves you and will rejoice over you greatly when you believe in Him and get saved. He gave up his son just so you can be found. 

And to you who God has given his sheep to watch over, make sure you keep every one of them in check, if God takes each one of them seriously, so should you. (Jn 21:17)


  1. This Message!!!😵😵
    Always golden and worth telling and to have read it in your own simple words blessed me more!Thank you for being the pen of the creator ma,this is a beautiful message and GOOOD NEWS!!💃💃💃

    1. Glory to God 😊
      Ps: your profile is tagged as "unknown"

  2. God is always intentional about us!!🔥

  3. Wow I was so blessed. Thank you so much.
    God is soooo intentional abt each and everyone of us no matter the number

    1. Yupp🔥
      Ps: your profile is tagged as "unknown"

  4. Even as someone who's saved, I'll never get over the intentionality of God! Thank you, Ini!

    1. Exactly🔥🤗
      Ps:your profile is tagged as "unknown"


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