
One thing I've noticed in life which is cool is how we have is the ability to rekindle or recreate most things we once had, we get to reignite things, when things damage or lose their value, most of the time, something can be done, sometimes it's either you just don't have the capability(money wise) or you didn't know you could.

For example, when you don't feel creative or you don't feel like you have so many ideas, you can read books, check posts of creative people, like magic, you start feeling more creative, it's that simple. If you don't see a reason to love on your friends or family like before, you can remind yourself why you liked them in the first place, check your fun chats, call them to gist, remember memories, you feel that spark again. love can be rekindled, creativity can be rekindled, even fire can be rekindled.

If you feel you don't see the beauty in God like you once did when you started your journey, you just need to gaze some more at him. It can also be rekindled, remember what made you fall in love with Him in the first place, it never left, it's you who doesn't see it anymore. Maybe you got carried away with things, check.

If you notice the waning interest, do something about it. Being with God never loses its beauty, it's you who doesn't see the beauty as you should anymore.

Have you ever had a material thing, then you gave it to someone and the person made it look better than it ever was with you? The object didn't get ugly or useless, you just thought it was, you could have tried different things to make it look good again but you didn't and you rather forfeited it.

Read books on the love of God, listen to sermons, remind yourself with the bible how much God loves you, communicate with Him. You can know this in your head and not in your heart because you haven't pondered on it enough. You can remind yourself daily what drew you in the first place, surround yourself with people who have the same passion for him as you did.

You can always go back to how you were, when the devil tries to make you lose guard you don't stay in that spot, immediately you realize it, you move. It's not a crime for you not to always feel like your relationship with God isn't as "spiced" as it was, but you can always do something about it.

Apostle Paul said "That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you..." (2 Timothy 1:6 AMPC)


  1. Whew!🔥 this is powerful truth, so profound. I'm reminded that everyone has low moments in devotion we just need to learn to rekindle it. Thanks a lot for this!

  2. A wonderful piece. So much to ponder on and live by.


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