"What saved me"(part 2)

 She ranted about how most of her tracts were damaged. Now I get the gist, they were tracts she used to talk about the goodness of her "God" and how he was kind and gracious, telling us to join her in walking with him. But sorry to say, a woman who slapped me without no hesitation for a tract about "goodness and kindness" irks me and gives me no inspiration to join in that journey, I would rather join the drama club in our school, and that isn't a nice place to be, trust me.

She kept on shouting at me for about 10 minutes, I wasn't bothered about the time, I just wanted to leave. She told me to wait, for about 5 minutes, and left, when she got back she led me to the Dean's office not caring if I was alright.

I got to the Dean's office and as I stepped in, I saw him frowning, I wonder the exaggerations that have been made about what I did, as I stepped in, my legs trembled, I don't know what happened next but I was sure of one thing, I found myself on a hospital bed the next day.




It's been three years since that incident and my life has changed a lot. I'm seated opposite the president of the drama club at my church and wondering if it's me who got here

The night at the hospital didn't change my life forever, but the next day did.

Initially, I wasn't able to leave the hospital for a while, my Dean didn't pay the bills, he kept on calling my guardian, my irresponsible uncle, Femi, who was drunk at the moment he got the call, I had no choice, I didn't want to tell him about my secret savings in my room because it will be gone forever, so I sulked and just waited not knowing if I would finally give in. My principal had left me thinking my uncle would come around, but it was Easter season, he always used holidays to while away time with his old irresponsible friends. He didn't show up. The next day in the morning, a nurse walked in and asked if I knew any Tony Adefarasin

"No, I don't think so". She turned her back to leave then it dawned on me, "I do" they were the ones who took me in when my uncle chased me out of the house because I refused to borrow him some money while in high school. After a month, he came back and fought with them so he could take me away. I never imagined that I would see them again but I'm glad I would now.

They came in looking as radiant as always in their elegant manner and eloquence, the kind I love to remember. I learnt that they had seen me through the window of my ward while coming to visit their sick maid. They offered to pay and took me to their house. I freshened up went to the dining table, lunch was as luxurious as ever. I miss the place. Mrs.  Adefarasin served me specially and we talked about how school life has been and the nitty-gritty of being a science student. Then Kunle walked in, their only son. He was my first real friend/brother, sometimes I still feel bad for leaving him alone when my uncle came for me, with bitter tears in his eyes, we said our goodbyes. He just came back from a church service, I guess he is also a Christian, I could sense it. He didn't change much, he was surprised to see me, we both laughed and exclaimed at how we had grown...

(To be continued)


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