An Easter story- "What saved me"(part 1)

The realization yet stung me again, I didn't have a ray of hope, the only people who seemed to have hope were the "holy people" and I've had enough of their "holy talks" about putting hope in God. Nevertheless, my life kept directing me to a place I didn't want to think of;
After this what next? What exactly am I doing after school that will make me fulfilled?
I asked Chidi, my long-time friend, that same question a few days ago and he said "God will take care of me". I regretted asking him that question because he would start his "sermon" again, but I probed further and asked "how?" then he said, "All things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, that's one thing I've learned with God, he never leaves me stranded". Do you mean the God that left me clueless about life without parents, would care about what my future will become? I laughed and said "okay". He already knew my train of thoughts because of how close-knitted we were and said "One thing I always tell you is that it's the devil who always comes to steal, kill and destroy, not God, he gives rest when you come to Him". I felt weirdly confused and sick in my stomach so I waived the conversation. I didn't have many Christian friends but he stuck with me like a brother and I grew fond of him but I kept on waiving off any conversation relating to God.
After recollecting what had happened with Chidi that day, I took my leave from the cafeteria. I saw some pieces of paper on the floor, they were scattered all over, I tried to read the inscription "Jesus' death was the..." before I could finish putting the words together, a burning sensation caught up in my tummy, my throat felt soggy and before I could think of what was happening, I threw up, it must have been food poisoning. My burp fell on most of the papers then I heard a familiar voice, it was our "mic-lady evangelist" as we call her because of her large microphone which she carries all the time, I guess she sleeps with it at night too, for there is no other reason I have to justify why she carries it all the time, even to the cafeteria which can't contain more than 20 people at a time, why the fuss?
"Rhoda, what is this nonsense?" she blurted out. Before I had the chance to gather myself I had felt a shocking bang on my face. She slapped me, so much for an evangelist...

(To be continued)


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