
Showing posts from June, 2021

My Assurance(poem)

You drew me and now I can come to you You knew me, the first step was yours I never knew that pyramids of bad thoughts could drown away from my mind by the grip of your hands You held my hand and walked me through life I have not gotten over that and I never will I'm beautiful because of you I found my wonder because of you I'll never let you go, you're faithful all the way, I don't need to worry about you letting go Insecurities and pain were molded away the day I knew you had me in mind An everlasting bliss awaits me someday because I know you keep your words You're mine and I'm yours, forever.

"What saved me"(part 3)

 After dinner, we stayed in the parlor and talked about school life, we talked for over 3 hours, during that period, we talked about what the future would hold for each of us and he said something that never left me.  "I might be perplexed on every side but never crushed". It sounded so strange but nice, I wondered if Shakespeare had a new book I never heard about. I asked him what he meant by that "Oh, it's just a boast I make in Christ" he laughed "Why and how do you do that?" "I have the authority too, I make boasts in Christ Jesus. "Wait, for what I was confused. "How would you boast in someone you are supposed to be afraid of, Kunle?" "We are not supposed to be scared but be joyous always because God is not out to get us but has shown us his lavish grace" "And how does he show his 'lavish grace?" I shot back "His grace is lavish, chill, I'll show you but his primary way was sending his son to di

"What saved me"(part 2)

 She ranted about how most of her tracts were damaged. Now I get the gist, they were tracts she used to talk about the goodness of her "God" and how he was kind and gracious, telling us to join her in walking with him. But sorry to say, a woman who slapped me without no hesitation for a tract about "goodness and kindness" irks me and gives me no inspiration to join in that journey, I would rather join the drama club in our school, and that isn't a nice place to be, trust me. She kept on shouting at me for about 10 minutes, I wasn't bothered about the time, I just wanted to leave. She told me to wait, for about 5 minutes, and left, when she got back she led me to the Dean's office not caring if I was alright. I got to the Dean's office and as I stepped in, I saw him frowning, I wonder the exaggerations that have been made about what I did, as I stepped in, my legs trembled, I don't know what happened next but I was sure of one thing, I found mysel

An Easter story- "What saved me"(part 1)

The realization yet stung me again, I didn't have a ray of hope, the only people who seemed to have hope were the "holy people" and I've had enough of their "holy talks" about putting hope in God. Nevertheless, my life kept directing me to a place I didn't want to think of; After this what next? What exactly am I doing after school that will make me fulfilled? I asked Chidi, my long-time friend, that same question a few days ago and he said "God will take care of me". I regretted asking him that question because he would start his "sermon" again, but I probed further and asked "how?" then he said, "All things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, that's one thing I've learned with God, he never leaves me stranded". Do you mean the God that left me clueless about life without parents, would care about what my future will become? I laughed and said "okay". He

My identity(poem)

When the stars come out, I remember God's promise to Abraham When I see tap water gushing out, I also remember the rivers of living water that flows out of me When I see a bride's veil, I remember how there's no more veil separating me from Jesus When I hear rain sounds, it makes me remember the storm Jesus conquered And I know in this I would also find peace My reality found in Christ is worth more than gold The promises He made to me spirit and life So much to treasure Worth more than gold

Christ's baptism(poem)

I've been baptized Not the regular dipping in a pool but an induction into the spirit by Christ I was immersed in spirit and fire, not by human hands I can't remember my old ways The immersion took me hook line and sinker I inhale the revelation of Jesus and exhale the old symbols The new supersedes the old  I'm now a beneficiary of Christ's redemptive work By the Spirit I've been washed Never to be dirty again