
Showing posts from January, 2023

Irreplaceable Loss💎

IN A TOWN LIKE OURS, hospitals don't attend to you unless you're filthy rich. They have few rooms and staff to accommodate everyone. Mama was sent away and given a few drugs because we didn't have enough money to pay for private treatment. She retired to the house, then Ike and I started taking care of her, Papa was trying to get more money by selling his palm wine. He moved to the market for more visibility, this made us see him less often. We all thought papa would get enough money before the sickness worsened. It was the third week, mama laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling, it was hard to know what she was thinking, and how she was feeling. Her eyes squeezed at every breath she took, her neck had grown longer. It was a miserable sight to behold, and there was nothing we could do. We called papa to leave his stall and come home quickly, we knew why he had to come, but we were not bold enough to accept that truth. Papa entered the room, and mama wasn't moved by h